Recording Guidelines & Rules
We accept all types of recordings. There are just a few important guidelines.
1. The video should be recorded in landscape / 16:9 format.
2. Absolutely no editing of any kind is permitted within a solo piece (It is permitted to trim the beginning or end of each video file).
3. The repertoire can be submitted on two separate videos and recorded from a single, uninterrupted camera angle.
4. The performer should be clearly visible in the video throughout the performance.
5. The recording quality should be at least in HD quality 720x1280
6. The video file should be named 'your name + birthdate + your category', for example: 'John Smith 01.05.2009 Trombone category A.
7. Please send your video file to our email address ( via wetransfer, dropbox, google drive, or mailbigfile.
8.Accepted file formats include: MP4, MPEG, MPG, AVI, WMV. We welcome recordings made by mobile phone. ( Please don't send your video in .MOV format. )
9. We will accept your application upon receiving your video file and payment.
International Online Trombone Competition
Location: Online at
Date: 20 June - 10 July 2020
Youtube channel:
Application deadline: 1st June, 2020
Video submission dedaline: 1st June, 2020
The competition
will be held in 11 categories:
1. Tenor trombone
A - born after 1st January 2008
2. Tenor trombone
B - born after 1st January 2006
3. Tenor trombone
C - born after 1st January 2002
4. Tenor trombone
D - born after 1st January 1998
5. Tenor trombone E "Soloist" - No age limit
6. Bass trombone
A - born after 1st January 2002
7. Bass trombone
B - born after 1st January 1998
8. Bass
Trombone C "Soloist" - No age limit
9. Jazz
Tenor/Bass trombone - No age limit
10. Senior
Tenor/Bass trombone
- born before 1st January 1970
11. Intermediate (Amateur) Tenor/Bass trombone
- born after 1st January 1970
Competition rules
Within each category, the repertoire is free of choice including the use of accompaniment, however all pieces may be performed unaccompanied. In some categories a minimum of two contrasting pieces is required for submission. These performances may be recorded on two (or more) separate videos. The alto trombone is permitted to be performed in the tenor trombone category and the contrabass trombone is permitted to be performed in the bass trombone category. Your video should be recorded after the 1st of April, 2020 with exception of the jazz trombone category, which should be recorded after the 1st of December 2019. The application deadline is the 1st of June, 2020.
The competitors must submit score copies ( if recorded a non standard concerto, sonata) of their recorded performances by 1st June, 2020. Jazz payers don't need to send score.
The organizers reserve the right to amend the rules if necessary. These rules are obligatory without exception. All data provided by competitors will be handled according to current privacy laws. The decisions of the jury are final with no exceptions or room for open discussion. The jury will decide whether or not they award a prize in a category, if the competitor's performance is of an inadequate standard.
Process of Application and payment
After your shopping is confirmed at our webshop, you can transfer
the application fee to our bank account or make a paypal transfer. Your
application will be valid only if we have received your payment and video file
before 1st of June, 2020
Performance Duration Restrictions
Tenor Trombone:
A - Total playing time under 5 minutes.
B - Total playing time under 10 minutes.
C - Total playing time under 15 minutes. Minimum of two contrasting pieces ( for example baroque sonata & contemporary piece ) is required for submission.
D - Total playing time under 20 minutes. Minimum of two contrasting pieces ( for example baroque sonata & contemporary piece ) is required for submission.
E - Total playing time
minimum 20 minutes. Minimum of two contrasting pieces ( for example baroque sonata & contemporary piece ) is required for submission.
Bass Trombone:
A - Total playing time under 15 minutes. Minimum of two contrasting pieces ( for example baroque sonata & contemporary piece ) is required for submission.
B - Total playing time under 20 minutes. Minimum of two contrasting pieces ( for example baroque sonata & contemporary piece ) is required for submission.
C - Total playing time minimum 20 minutes. Minimum of two contrasting pieces ( for example baroque sonata & contemporary piece ) is required for submission.
Special categories:
Jazz Tenor/Bass trombone
category: Total playing time minimum 20 minutes. (the submitted video also can be live concert recording)
Senior Bass/Tenor
trombone: Total playing time under 10 minutes
Intermediate (Amateur) Bass/Tenor trombone: Total playing time under 10 minutes
Youtube "live"stream:
The competition will be streamed 'Live' online from 20th of June, 2020 from 2:00PM CET until 10th of July 2020 midnight on our Youtube channel 'Hungarian Trombone Camp',
The competition will
be presented in the following order:
20th June, 2020 at 2:00PM CET
All categories